Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Chase is On

We had our first Home Study interview yesterday. About what I expected - lots of thought provoking questions. Thankfully, we had already thought-provoked them. ;-) Many of the questions our social worker asked, we had aready talked about. Makes me feel even more so that we are on the right path.

I am constantly amazed at the number of people involved in getting us through the adoption process who are also in the process themselves. Our social worker has a daughter from China already, and is waiting anxiously every day for her match for a second daughter. Our Immigration and Intake support person has her dossier in China now, and is waiting for her match. I appreciate that they can give us unique perspectives on how each step feels. Not just the technicalities of what needs to happen - but they can also commiserate on how challenging each step is, how they felt going through it. And it speaks volumes on the professionalism of CCAI that so many of their adopting families go through it again a second and even third time.

So, Lexie - we are one step closer to you!


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